
Elect Kevin Felder is committed to a comprehensive political agenda that addresses critical issues facing our nation. Here are key points from his platform:

Gun control: I am committed to advocating for stricter gun control laws. This includes efforts to ban the private ownership of military-grade assault rifles. Moreover, I will work towards raising the age limit from 18 to 20 and implementing essential measures such as a 60-day waiting period, a mental fitness test, and mandatory liability insurance.

Women’s Health Rights: I will fight to make a woman’s right to choose her own healthcare decisions. I will also fight to eliminate government intervention in women’s reproductive choices.

Immigration Reform: I am committed to advocating for comprehensive immigration reform. The current levels of illegal immigration are placing strain on our education, healthcare, and housing systems in the country.

Voting rights: The voting rights of African Americans are under attack through voter dilution and racial gerrymandering. I intend to fight to create new protections for voting rights for African Americans and other protected classes. I will fight to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.